Customer Testimonials

John Zimmerman, KS
"I really like my calf catcher. It paid for itself the first time out as needed to catch calf with pneumonia, and it worked great. I recommend it to anyone with a cow-calf operation."

Alvin Haan, SD
"This calf catcher has been a godsend. I can send my kids out to tag calves and not have to worry. I am really impressed! Wished I would have gotten one years ago as it is a very good investment. I give it an A++ score!"

Brett Swope, TX
"I am very happy with my calf catcher as it is a very good product. Have processed a number of calves that I would have never been able to get to because of their protective mothers."

Terry Hinton, MS
"I like my calf catcher very well. It saves lives and doctor bills. Planning to purchase a second calf catcher yet this year."

Cody Lee, MT
"After all was said and done we have concluded that it was the best use of money that we have made in the last twenty years. It was a huge time saver and labor savor and just simply made calving a much easier task. The cows had never seen one before so their reaction was mostly of bewilderment. It will be interesting to see if they react differently going into the second season of use for it. This is a very well made piece of equipment and it handled all of my concerns with rough terrain and ditches with flying colors."

Pat Realing. Lander, Wy
"From a 67 year old guy in Wyoming the calf catcher is a life saver. Catch all calves by my self. Doctor and band. Now my wife is much safer. Works great. Calves and cows are much calmer."

David Wood, Double W Ranch, Magnolia, MS
"We are a seedstock producer of registered Brangus cattle which requires that each calf must be tagged, perhaps medicated, checked for color and weighed within 24 hours of birth to develop accuracy for the birth EPD that is so important to our customers. Brangus are noted for their strong mothering instinct and it can be a challenge carrying out this task. The Safety Zone Calf Catcher has vastly improved the safety and ease with which this process is performed. It can be safely done with one ranch hand, whereas previously it usually took more than one person in order to provide protection for the one who was handling the calf – and that just wasn’t safe enough. This product has brought added peace of mind during calving season and is sturdily built for this purpose. We highly recommend it."

Brian Kruk, Virden, Manitoba
"Hi Dan, just want to say that calving season went very well with my calf catcher. Tagging and banding calves was quick and easy, and safe!!! I work by myself and I am on the wrong side of 50. My cows start calving the end of April on a quarter section of pasture with some bush. By using the calf catcher I got from you, calving was fun. I even bought some more cows!! The Safety Zone calf catcher is a life changer, and I would have to say it is one of the best tools I ever bought."

Jim McGregor, Western Australia
"Using the invaluable Safety Zone Calf Catcher for the 2016 calving, I weighed and tagged all but four of the 365 calves born. A few of our protective cows would have liked to be in with their calves but the Calf Catcher kept them at a respectful distance and seemed to suppress their anxiety with being able to see their calf was safe. It’s also the easiest way to move a cow/calf pair to the yards or to another paddock. A very high quality product, excellently designed and very efficient. (Now nearly 74 years young!)

At the moment we have a young vet student with us participating in their mandatory time gaining experience on cattle (and other livestock) farms. She asked me how long ago had Mr Leo deigned the Safety Zone Calf Catcher. Not knowing the answer, I said I would ask! We’d also be interested to know.

Good to see that CRT is an agent for the Catcher in Australia and we hope that you have sold many more. It’s such a wonderful piece of machinery and makes tagging and weighing calves much safer! Thank you so much for your initiative."

Harold Brubaker North Carolina
"When I first installed our calf catcher the boys laughed and said well that will work for an ole man. Two days later when they got bucked by two cows they asked if they could use my calf catcher. So they now do it all and I get to watch."

Doyle Smith, Oklahoma
"Your calf catcher has greatly improved our safety while tending newborn calves, we never have to worry about being blindsided by an overly protective mother. We even lead cows to the pens using their captive baby. I am near 70 and have had several close calls before purchasing the Calf Catcher. Thank you!"

Deanna Schlereth, Dodge City, Kansas
"We should of invested in a calf catcher years ago. My husband wouldn’t of been knocked down all those times, he would have been protected from that. We only got to use it one year before my husband passed away. But it was the best thing we ever did. My Son uses it now and he likes it too. Thank you!"

Dennis Courtright
"After putting the catcher together one morning, I needed to use it that afternoon with a very aggressive 3 year old. Needless to say it worked like a dream. Though it isn't necessary to use every time, it is cheap insurance for the occasional cranky cow preventing a trip to the emergency room, or worse. Thanks for a great product.

We had one of the old red calf catchers and this one is much better. We calve 160 cows in 10 weeks. We work each calf (weigh, vitamin, ear tag, castrate) before 48 hours. We calve in a large pasture and we could not work our calves safely without the Calf Catcher. My wife and I do all the work. She is 69 and I am 71. Overall it is a good tool and essential for our operation."

Michael Hornecker, WY
"I wish I had found out about the Safety Zone Calf Catchers years ago, No more rushing to get a calf doctored or tagged before the cow gets on the fight. I work by myself and this has made my job a lot safer."

Bar 4 Ranch, TX
"We love our Calf Catcher! No people or animals have been hurt. The cows are more calm because they can see & smell the calves going to the pairs pasture. It is really a one-man job now!!"

Jim McGregor, Western Australia
"Should also tell you that after we saw the adverts last year (in the Stockman Grass Farmer magazine) for the Safety Zone Calf Catcher, we looked at their web site, bought one (of what ended up as a shipment of 32 coming to Australia; I think we have the only one in Western Australia) and have found it invaluable during our 2016 just finished calving season. Made life a lot easier for me as I increase in years!!" (73 years young.)

Peter Larsen, Coldstream Poll Hereford Stud, NSW, Australia
"The calf catcher has been a great addition to our farm for the calving season. It has enabled me to accurately weigh and tag our new born calves with ease without upsetting the dam and then we were then able to move the cow and calf to a new paddock. Definitely one of the best pieces of equipment we have purchased for our stud."

Wanda Thompson, MO
"Love my calf catcher. Have 5 more cows to calf this year with all the calves tagged, vaccinated, and banded if they were bulls. It sure made life easier for me with the cattle.  I'm a little old lady (64 years, all alone now), and my calves are all worked the day they are born, and I’m not in danger, the momma is not overly upset as she can see and touch her calf at all times, and the calf is not traumatized because it’s all over in 2-3 min. To all you out there still dodging mad momma cows, wrestling big calves, and maybe not getting some of your calves done, the calf catcher is definitely a better way."

Jerry Henshaw, OK
"I have been using the calf catcher for our spring and now fall calves. What a pleasure to use!  My wife and I are 68 years old and we just about had our clock cleaned this spring by a protective momma cow before getting our catcher. We now have total safety confidence and are stress free when working new born calves.

We purchased the digital scale and it works great as we raise registered Angus cattle. The scale makes it a piece of cake to record their birth weights.

I would highly recommend the calf catcher."

Laurel Gilbertson, NE

"For me, it's all about safety. With my calf catcher, at 73 years, I have no fear of any cow, and that is mighty important to me and my family. It is safe, and a much easier way to deal with the new borns and their protective mothers. It is quiet, allowing me to go through the cows virtually unnoticed when getting ready to catch a calf. Importantly, the mother cows do not get near as excited as when I used to work new borns the old way. Cows, babies and myself are all far better off because of it.

Last spring, I paired out all 80 pairs to new pastures after processing their calves, and every cow without exception followed the catcher with their calf standing inside the holder. There is not a piece of equipment on the place that can equal the value of my calf catcher. I could not, and would not be in business without it!”

Bud Williamson, WV

“Your calf catcher was a virtual life saver for us! It sure makes one of the best times of the year, even better!”

Bruce Chrestiansen, IA
“The calf catcher is very easy to use and provides lots of safety. We use it every calving season and could not imagine calving without it!”

Craig Oceanak, WY
“Our catcher is AWESOME! We have lots of wild range cattle, and we calve on rough ground. It is very valuable for a one-person outfit, and it is a tool that I would not be without”

Andy Downs, MT
“Best investment we ever made! Easy on the calves and great for the cows too.
We rave about the calf catcher to everyone!

We are more than just satisfied with the calf catcher. It saved us this calving season after my shoulder surgery. A couple of weeks into calving we lost the help we’d hired. Then the weather turned bad and we got behind. I don’t know what we would have done without the calf catcher. Almost every cow/calf pair was brought in, processed and sorted into their specific pasture with the catcher. WITHOUT GETTING EITHER ONE OF US HURT!"

Seth Cooksley, OH
“I love our calf catcher! It works really well.”

Larry Jones, ND
“I absolutely love our catcher! I only wish I would have had it thirty years ago. It has lots of features I haven’t seen before like the drop gate that works as a calf holder at the back. I would recommend to anyone!”

Marvin Schultis, NE

“It works great! Safe and very easy to process calves. Would not be without it! Thanks for the great workmanship.”

Bryan Shomo, Shomo AG LLC, VA
“Our catcher works wonderfully! We processed 100% of our calves with it and had no problems, and that includes dealing with some of our wilder cows. It certainly has made our calving season easier and safer!”

Daryn Bernard, MI
“I work alone calving out 35-40 pairs every year. There’s no one available to help if something goes wrong. I’m getting older and I’m not as agile as I used to be. The Safety Zone Calf Catcher serves two purposes for me. One, I feel a lot safer with the Calf Catcher around me when I’m working on a calf. Two, it is so much easier catching the calf! The flip down calf shelf on one end lets me control the calf completely. No more wrestling calves on the ground.”

Roberto Eismendi, Texas Feeders, KS
“We use our calf catcher in a big feedlot calving program. It is a very good tool that has served us particularly well.”

Jim Strand, CA
“We really like our catcher extremely well. It will cover any type of ground, and I especially like the wide, front gate as it makes it very easy to catch the older calves. The calf holder platform is a really good feature.”
Bottom-line, we are very satisfied with it and really like how it works!”

Pete Henderson, VA
“Wow!!! I simply do not know how we did it before. Without question, the best investment that I’ve ever made! If for any reason that I would need another one, I’d buy it and know how good of a deal I was getting.”

Bill Helms, TX
“Just wanted to let you know, I have been using the calf catcher for three months and I’m very pleased with my purchase. Prior to receiving my calf catcher the process of tagging and measuring our registered calves was a rodeo. But, At 71 years old I needed a safer, better system and the calf catcher proved to be the answer.

I am a retired mechanical engineer that worked in fabrication and mechanical design my whole career and I can assure you this calf catcher is well built and designed. It would be hard for me to improve on the design and the fabrication quality. It is very simple to use, and it works!”

Maurice Palmer, NE
“Just want you to know that we like our catcher very well. I am 96 years old and am active in calving along with my son. It has helped us out a lot, and we could not be more pleased with it. No concern now of getting hurt, which is probably a relief to my family. I really enjoy the calving season, and now the catcher makes it even more so and safe at the same time.”

Mike Shelton, TX
“I am 65 years old and run about 100 cows, and my catcher makes my life a lot simpler and safer. I have recommended it to a number of other producers that I am sure you’re hearing from. I absolutely love it!”

Allen Lippert, KY
“What a valuable improvement for our operation, not only perfect for banding and tagging great for moving calves. No more lifting calves to get them to shelter. Recommended for one man operations. We work in town, and others were not always there when help was needed. Now, no more having to wait on anyone.”

Dennis Dowell, KS
“Just a note to tell you how well we like our catcher. I have a friend who has another kind, but my Safety Zone catcher is heavier built and does not rattle around like his, which is very important in catching calves. It is great for the problem cows!”

Tom Hess, WI
“Our catcher is quite an outfit! Wished I had one long ago. I really like it!”

Neil Skiles, IL
"I run a 500 head cow/calf operation in Illinois.

Last winter I had both hips replaced and knew I had to do something in order to get my calves tagged.  I have been injured by cows many times over the years and knew I couldn't afford to get hurt. After seeing the Calf Catcher in a magazine I called Dan and told him to send me a one.

My son and nine year old granddaughter used the calf catcher and tagged the calves without anybody getting hurt. This is an amazing tool and if I'd had it 50 years ago I'd have a lot less aches and pains."

Brian Blauhorn, NE
"During calving season, I always dreaded having to pick up and move calves around during processing. With my Safety Zone Calf Catcher, it is definitely a more enjoyable experience. You don't have to rush yourself and look out for a concerned mother cow. With our calf catcher, I can catch newborns, as well as calves that are three or more weeks old. I have seen other calf catchers on the market and none of them are as well made. The Safety Zone Calf Catcher rides smoothly, quietly and mounts quick and easy."

Charlie Drumheller, VA
"Dan, thanks for the instructions. I got it put together over the weekend because we had a late calf that we could try it out on. I was quite impressed with how well I was able to maneuver the ATV with the calf catcher attached, and I caught the calf in a rather uneven field on the first try. Everything went like clockwork, which I really wasn't expecting for the first time. We are very interested in becoming a dealer for the Safety Zone Calf Catcher"

Gary Nixon, TX
"Our catcher works very well. We especially like how it permits us to quietly work calves in the group without stirring things up, that can sometimes happen.

We calve a good number of cows in a short period, thus processing our new calves with the catcher is much easier and safer now."

Mike Clough, Highlands Ranch, CO
"Bought my catcher last year for calving season after seeing it advertised. It worked great, just like the video showed!  Looking forward to using my catcher again this spring."

John & Mary Block, NE
"We love our calf catcher! It helped us in calving with each situation from tagging to treating sick calves."

Joe Metcalf, NE
"I was very skeptical about buying one of these calf catchers, but everything you read and see about them is true. I would not trade mine for all the tea in China!"
Click Here to Order
User-Friendly and Durable, Designed to
Make Your Calf Processing Safer and Easy!

For questions or to order via phone in the US,
call 877-505-0914 today.
(all countries outside the US, call 605-251-3566)
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